How do transgender women grow beards
Beard and facial hair are the most noticeable secondary sex features, and getting rid of it, often is pain and nightmare for transwomen. At, Electrology for transgender full beard removal, we developed an intensive program for the clearing of facial and genital areas that can speed up the process tremendously, by removing your facial and neck hair with a minimum number of treatments, and avoiding hideous scarring, pitting, or pigmentation of the skin.
As the facial hair of the male beard is difficult to remove, it is vital that trans women seek an experienced electrologist. The one who has worked extensively with trans women. Our intensive clearing session for facial hair removes your full facial hair during marathon sessions.
It would cut the time needed from start to finish considerably and speed up the process. Typical one a week hour session required growing your beard every week. With the intensive program, you have to let your facial hair grow only once per clearing session every weeks.
We inject local anesthesia which will make your procedure pain-free. Electrologists are trained and experienced in killing the beard hair of trans women. At, Electrology, we are preoccupied with three things: no scarring, high killing rate, and comfort of our visitors.
What do you need to consider? Additionally, remember that electrolysis demands a significant financial investment. Just be sure that you can afford the process through and not be dissatisfied. The long marathon sessions are mental and physically demanding. Prior to facial surgery, there is no guesswork in attempting to reconcile your jawline outcome after surgery with your hoped for outcome after hair removal.
Nor will they make any contribution toward softening the jawline where densely packed beard follicles are emphasising it. They have the advantage of speed, but the hair will eventually regrow and require repeated treatment.
This is not permanent hair removal. Thermolysis Thermolysis uses a microwave-powered needle to heat and remove each hair root. This treatment can prevent the hair from regrowing for 3 months or more. The lye destroys the entire lining of the follicle and, most importantly, destroys the stem cells which control regeneration of the hair. These stem cells are contained in the area called the bulge situated just by the erector pili muscle. The outcome is a follicle that can never grow a hair again.
The efficiency with which this method works has led the US Food and Drug Administration to class electrolysis as the only hair removal method which can claim to be permanent. This more than makes up for the slower removal rate. Another long-term effect of galvanic electrolysis is that the skin produces large amounts of collagen in response to the treatment, making the skin noticeably softer.
Destroying the lining of the follicle with galvanic electrolysis also has the effect of shrinking the size of the follicles as you heal, leaving the skin significantly smoother. Galvanic electrolysis remains the most reliable and effective hair removal method for transwomen.
Hair removal prior to GCS. If only they had contacted us before their surgery! Surgeons require various areas of skin to be free of hair if they are to be utilised in GCS surgery, especially those areas of skin which will be inside the vagina. This is to get the best results, operatively, aesthetically and practically. Some surgeons may not perform surgery if there is hair remaining on the skin used for the neo-vagina.
If skin used to make the vagina has any hair follicles remaining, they will continue to grow hair in the neo-vagina. These hairs are very difficult to remove as they are often facing inwards and they can cause pain and irritation during penetration and dilation. Postoperative hairs remaining in the vagina can hold patients back from becoming intimate with a partner and can lead to increased dysphoria.
Surgeons require the skin used for surgery to be in the best possible condition when they operate and, for practical reasons, may reject the idea of pre-operative genital hair removal because they see too many patients arriving for surgery with skin still recovering from recent hair removal.
Pre-operative genital hair removal should be planned well in advance of surgery. Planning around surgical dates is essential as too often we see clients who have left their hair removal until the last minute. Studies have also shown that men with beards tend to have a better chance of being hired for a job. In some cases, a person might have difficulty growing facial hair if he is transgender or if he has transitioned from female to male.
FTM transgender patients typically take testosterone, which can stimulate the growth of facial hair, as the female hormones that block the hair growth are reduced. Originally marketed as a blood pressure medicine, minoxidil works by increasing blood flow to the hair follicles, which can stimulate growth. The medication is applied topically twice a day.
There are two strengths available, 2 percent and 5 percent. If you do see results and are happy with them, continue to use the product. The results will fade when you stop using it. Whether minoxidil works or not, you might be on the lookout for a more permanent solution to your facial hair concerns. One permanent option is a facial hair transplant. In most cases, the procedure takes no more than five hours.
The hair for the transplant comes from either the back or sides of your scalp. The surgeon will choose the hair that best matches any pre-existing facial hair you have. During the surgery, the hairs are transplanted one at a time, to create a natural look.