How do people get jaded
Looking forward to a date is one thing, but obsessing over what might happen and what it could lead to before it even happens is a whole other thing. Been there, done that. You spend less time in a dream world and more time in reality. You never need a rebound. It takes a truly awesome guy to get you interested. Your standards have gotten progressively higher while still remaining realistic, which can only be a good thing.
When you find someone good, you know it. Meanwhile, she thought she was in a happy, long-term relationship. He just annoys me. Like, what are my options? When I asked Emma if she felt jaded, she seemed offended. This is just my personality. This is New York, okay. That, I thought, was an interesting distinction. But is there a tipping point at which your expectations become so refined that no one is ever going to be good enough?
Where is the line between jaded and smart? Force yourself into new situations. It helps distract you from your situation. Being jaded can often come from doing the same things over and over and having them turn out the same way.
Overcome this by putting yourself into a new, one-time situation. Get involved in new activities. That includes discovering new things. Go outside and be active. Being outdoors, particularly in a beautiful setting, can help wake you up from the lethargy of being jaded.
Take a hike, eat a picnic in a park -- whatever helps you relax outdoors. Taking time to be in nature can be a good way to reconnect with the simple and important ways we are connected to the planet. Remember that feelings are fleeting and are not facts. If you are feeling jaded, take a look at your well-being. Are you tired? Are you alone? What is missing in your life that you need to feel good? Yes No. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 1. It's probable that something in your life is out of alignment?
Take a look at what you can be responsible for, and then choose from responsibility. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.
If you're struggling, make an appointment to see a professional counselor or therapist to talk through what you're experiencing. Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0. Related wikiHows How to. How to. Executive Life Coach. Expert Interview. More References 9. About This Article. Co-authored by:. Co-authors: Updated: October 21, Categories: Personality Traits.
Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 46, times. Reader Success Stories Anonymous Dec 27, Everyone needs to do this life-changer! Did this article help you? Cookies make wikiHow better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Anonymous Dec 27, You Might Also Like How to. Featured Articles How to. Validate your own emotions, positive and negative. Let yourself heal. Get lost in a book. Adventure in that world, take a short break from ours. Keep your space clean.
Waking up in a clean room can help your everyday life feel less cluttered too! Read over it every once and awhile. Not in your career, not in a partner, not in life, not period. Spread positive gossip. When other co-workers are around the water cooler complaining about someone, talk about something nice they did. Apologize frequently. When you screw up, own it. Talk to that cute person at the bar. Tell yourself you are awesome. Say it out-loud if you have to.
Say it until you believe it. Confront people who make you feel upset.