Whyte boi m.i.a

Won the Butkus Award as a junior , given annually to the nation's top linebacker, after starting of games, recording an SEC-best tackles 12 for loss , six passes defensed, 3.

Named second-team All-American and first-team All-SEC as a sophomore , leading the conference in tackles per game Started all 13 games for the Tigers, with 14 tackles for loss, 4. As a true freshman , earned Freshman All-SEC honors after posting 30 tackles three for loss , a sack, a forced fumble and a fumble recovery. White was also participated in the Mock Trial as part of the Buccaneers social justice initiative.

During the holiday season, White invited 50 kids from the Boys and Girls Club bowling as a reward for their academic and athletic success. Tristan Wirfs Blidi Wreh-Wilson. Devin White ILB Summary Career Logs Splits Situational. Recent Games. Career Stats. Defense Career. Tampa Bay Buccaneers linebacker Devin White reacts to the team's win vs. LB Devin White was mic'd up during the Bucs season opener vs.

Linebacker Devin White spoke to the media on Thursday following training camp practice. Linebacker Devin White spoke to the media on Wednesday following training camp practice.

Linebacker Devin White spoke to the media on Tuesday ahead of the Week 6 matchup. Check out some observations from the last OTA practice of the week.

We've got a couple quick thoughts following the second and now last day of rookie mini-camp. View the top photos of Buccaneers' linebackers during the offseason. Started NFL debut vs. Missed Weeks 3 and 4 with a knee injury.

Returned to action vs. Logged six tackles in win vs. As a kid who came from a working class family, many of the rich kids I came in contact with, thought their voices mattered. Leda Fisher is an overt racist. If you can replace the terms in question with ANY OTHER term of race, religion or indicator and it retains a bigoted tone then the piece fails to have any merit other than being a racist rant. Dickinson must take steps to censure Fisher, if not expel her for this clear hate speech.

This is amazing. You all completely missed her point and are actually proving her point. Take a step down from your soapbox, then reach down, grab yourselves by the ears and pull your heads out. The College promotes an environment of intellectual curiosity, open idea exchange, and questing for truth. Not all dumb opinions are offensive, but blithely presuming to know the experience of others of different races or gender of which I was surely guilty usually is.

Underneath all her inflammatory rhetoric, Leda makes a simple and fair request for improving that idea exchange and reducing the instances of classroom discourse injuring marginalized people: listen before you talk. She is definitely racist and a sexist.

After reading this garbage I have come to the conclusion that the write has a serious case of insecurity, to which she has brought on herself. If only the white boys had bowed to her every whim. To be seen as a queen. Liberal arts schools get tax money stolen from working white people to indoctrinate their own children to hate themselves for being white. The white kids gotta pay for the honor of being brainwashed though, the brown kids get to go for free with grants from those same tax dollars.

LOVE this article. Thank you, Leda, for giving a voice to the sentiments Black, college educated folks, especially women. Thheir entitled, know-it-all mentality continues into grad school, the workplace, and the retirement village. I give a mental whenever they deign to speak about…. However, when they assume a role of authority simply based on their white maleness, I take issue. In defense of not being racist she then points out that the technical definition includes being against a racial minority, congratulations, you are predjudiced instead of racist, is that really something to be proud of?

I am very curious how her opinion which she seems to take as truth is any different the opinions she is currently admonishing in vast far reaching generalizations. I guess this would be her 15 minutes of fame. What a lovely editorial. Ms Fisher thank you for sharing your experience with all these dense white people. As white boy I really appreciate your willingness to share with us and I unlike some of my peers remember how idiotic I was in collage.

I am pretty sure that I talked too much and listened even less. Your words ring true because that was me — maybe sometimes — I still am that boy. I was a good kid who repeated so much bullshit. Sometimes I said things right to other peoples faces. I am pretty sure that this brilliant piece of writing has cost you something and I want you to know that I as a white boy thank you. Hopefully somewhere one white boy in one of your classes was able to shut up for minute.

She uses this racial slur liberally throughout the entire article, even using it in her headline. Great article. Nice of the commenters to prove your point. The commentors have proven her point. Welcome to our world, White People. My brothers and I always felt it unfair that we had to get on the bus and go across town to integrate the schools in San Bernardino while white students did not have to reciprocate.

I was in an advance placement class where we had to keep diaries. I was the only black student out of After a few months the teacher told us to stop keeping the diaries. She pulled me aside and told me what were in most of them. Most of my class mates hated me. All I did was work hard. Ironically, I was elected student body vice president in a school where we were known for race riots. College was real lonely. Black students all ate together.

I tried to eat with white students but I was made to feel very unwelcome. Please note, the school hired a coach who was known to use racist language to motivate his team.

My team mates did not appear to like him because of that. They were white. He and other class mates refuse to participate with the school 40 years later.

Even with all of this the 1st amendment must be protected. Most of the negative comments reek of white privilege.

They are to be tolerated just like any speech. Many white people I have encountered do not feel they need to know anything about anyone else. Based on the responses Dickinson like many colleges has some work to do with current and former students if it wants to improve race relations.

It looks like the author had some tough painful years. I think it hurts some people to be generalized and marginalized. Welcome to to world of people of color. I enjoyed the article.

I am a 57 year old white guy. Leda expresses an important idea worth hearing. Growing up, watching television, the astronauts were all white men, as all the presidents, the judges, the doctors, the lawyers, and black people were servants, or athletes or musicians or singers. My school had a small number of black and brown kids, and they were largely ignored and marginalized, and we were all okay with it because — we just assumed that this was the natural order of things.

We were born on proverbial 3rd base and thought we hit home runs. I am embarrassed at how late in my life am I able to see how rude and frankly infantile folks are, in large measure, who look like me, and I look back at things I have said or laughed at, and I wince.

In shame. It appears to me that Leda sees a large number of white guys acting like a Will Ferrel impression of George W.

Bush — the embodiment of unearned self confidence. And … speaking this truth has driven the white, right wing nuts apoplectic with anger. Same with Kap kneeling. There is this childish hissy fit of white rage and tantrums at the idea of respectful and peaceful public protest of obvious racial injustice. I have family members I cannot even reason with about this. They cry about the disrespect to the military and the police- as if there are no black people in the military and in law enforcement.

Leda struck a nerve. And she told the truth. I think she deserves credit, not condemnation. And Leda: much love and respect. Bigotry is a powerful drug. I appreciate you taking a stab at an intervention, of sorts. Best Regards, S. This article is not racist.

The comments of white people daring to claim that Leda is racist shows white fragility. Ignatius J. Bravo Ms. Fisher for you have provided my entertainment for today. I disapprove of what you say — and frankly think it quite ignorant and daft — but I will defend to the death your right to say it. Leda — Thank you for your courage in naming the white male elephant in the room. I spent my school career in classrooms where white boys were called on before everyone else, I have sat in meetings where white men were given the floor before and longer than others.

Same test paper, lower grades. Same job, lower pay. Your words do strike a nerve because what you say is true. Thank you for your courage. I think college is about learning, from the material and the experience of others. Completely and utterly racist.

The only glimmer of hope in this world are the comments identifying this racist article as the garbage it is. So, let me do some talking and tell this Leda that being a minority is not an excuse to spout racist propaganda.

Imagine the backlash if this was about black people. Just imagine. Leda would probably be sending death threats the way of the author. Society has to speak up and condemn the actions of such disgusting people. The Dickinson College I attended years ago taught its students to be problem solvers. Sadly, it only deepens the divide. I understand you completely. Perhaps the problem is you see the truth in what they talk about.

It bothers you. I am tired too, I am tired of hearing loud, obnoxious, incognizant opinions passed off by moral high ground wannabees who think social media is a communication tool. To be seen as human, you must act human. When you dehumanize another human by race, or sex you entrench the negative mindset and guarantee negative response.

Publishing this article may have brought a smile to Leda Fishers wonderful face. She may have felt like she said what needed to be said and perhaps laughed to see the reaction it has caused even to the point of claiming a small victory. To her I say with the benefit of wisdom earned by my many years on this planet, beware because what you thought was ambrosia was really poison I urge you to turn your talents to efforts that unify before that poison your drinking creates an unfortunate circumstance.

That being said college is the place to have opinions and discuss those out loud, have heated discussions, hear what those from different backgrounds and perspectives have to say about your opinions and accept your lumps when your wrongheaded and move past modifying your perspective. The most important word is HEAR. Asking a white man not to speak is to rob not only him but yourself and others of that most basic and surprisingly wonderful experience that collage can provide.

If you close your ears to what the white male is saying just because he is white and male that sets a dangerous path and what happens if the white male decides to do the same to you? Who will suffer more? I urge you to move past your obvious bias, and anger. Talk about family, friends, favorite food, favorite book, author, artist, and constellation, nothing more continuous than cake or pie which is better?

Cake obviously. It is wrong headed and shameful. Most of the comments I see here reek of white privilege and blindness to the effects of the institutions that the writer speaks of. Marginalized communities deal with the types of discrimination and maligned comments that many of the offended parties are complaining about, every day of their lives. She has valid points, but everyone nitpicks the generalizations because the ideas make you uncomfortable.

Every single one of us is guilty of stereotyping and generalizing, but it is often how one makes a point. She is trying to make herself heard. Instead of becoming indignant and offended, take a moment to look at yourself and see, whether you are male or female, how you could be proving her point.

Also remember, this is her opinion, just as yours is your own, and both hold weight. The differences between what you are labeling racist, and the points that she is bringing up are as follows: she is expressing a very real truth that affects the lives of millions of people across the country every day.

Her complaining about the privilege of white males does nothing to them. I am a privileged white woman with a white son, and yet, I can see an awful lot of value in what this young woman has to say. It is merely a truth of the society that we all live in. As a privileged white guy who is used to deference, I can affirm that Leda tells it like it is.

Please do not listen to the platitudes of the powerful as they try to put you back in your place. Instead, continue exposing the hypocrisy of our system and our culture, and do not be silenced. Thank you for what you wrote. I can kind of understand most people as reacting the way they do, but I think you are missing the point of the piece. The country is littered with educated idiots. And I guarantee you the majority of those people did nothing to fight this, they just kept voting Democrat and buying their hybrid cars.

Luckily, I encountered the books of Edward Said and other on the existence and experience of Palestinians. Luckily, I read books that informed me of US foreign policy actions that are never taught in most schools, like support for genocidal governments and counter-revolutions in Latin America, Mozambique, East Timor. Get over it. Perhaps she could have used some concrete examples instead of seeming to generalize. But white privilege and institutionalized racism are realities.

She is very brave to have spoken honestly knowing the vitriol that would inevitably come her way by voices online who are not afraid they will end of face to face with an actual person. Everyone should see The Niceties.

Very apropos. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. The way to make people heard who feel they have been crowded out, is not to silence the loud voice; you do that by allowing the other voices to be heard.

I find your views offensive, bigoted, and naive, but you have the right to voice your perspectives. I feel sorry for you, and the Dickinson Development and Admissions offices, that will suffer because of your rant.

I am Born and raised in half white half black area. We all have opinions. We all have a voice. As an American I am entitled to my opinion. Now, it is just that, an opinion. And really, college is about learning what others have to say. Good Luck after graduation. There will most likely be lots of white boys running around spouting off their ideas. John G. It is up to the readers of Ms. Best part of this is she uses this statement to justify her and say she is not racist.

I do not hate white people, and no institution has ever built a system around disenfranchising or marginalizing white men, so I am not a racist. This is what the left and fools like you are doing. You say white people especially men should not speak about black issues well then you should not speak on white issues as you know nothing of our situation. This girl is a complete idiot and should be kicked out of the school.

There is a petition for it too! Truth hurts. But racism hurts more. Where is the outcry against all the forms of racism that exists, even in colleges, such as the curriculum, which is almost completely from a white male perspective?

It would be helpful to understand racism exists when one group as a collective infringes upon the rights of another group as a collective. Just merely saying something is not an infringement, you have to do something to ensure what you say is carried out, and then you have to be part of a collective that can actually continuously make it happen.

Racism is active and passive, direct and indirect. And so are the participants and the victims. It is not possible to be born into a racist society where you are a member of the disfavored group, and you not experience racism or be a victim of racism. Likewise it is not possible to be born a member of the favored group and accrue its benefits and you not be a participant in racism, i.

It is not possible for Ms. Everyone has the right to an opinion, shown by your idiotic one that remains active on this website, and everyone else also has the right to disagree with them and use their words to sway the other side.

Both could be right, but you seem to be too angry and resentful to consider such an idea. It is not that those who speak up were taught that their voice is the most important in every room — it is simply that they were taught to engage, and that it was good to speak up when you felt you had something to say.

What were you taught, I wonder, that engendered such resentment and anger? Every human being has a different story, and you might be surprised to learn that many of your classmates are struggling with things outside your experience, as you have struggled with things outside of theirs. I encourage you to set your anger aside, critically examine where your viewpoints come from, engage in an actual and honest discussion without resentment or bitterness with some of these individuals, and listen to what is said without pre-judgement.

Where they are wrong in their assessments, do not shout or accuse — teach them gently. Lead by example. Show them, by your actions, that they are mistaken.

You will be doing them — and yourself — a great service. And you might just learn something along the way. One thing I learned at Dickinson in the 90s and I hope all previous and current students learn is to listen to the voices of their peers. Even when one may disagree with what is being said, listening to the perspective of someone living a different experience or seeing the world through a different perspective can only serve to make one a more reasoned critical thinker.

Sometimes unpopular or previously marginalized ideas need to be expressed forcefully to be heard. Fisher is studying in an environment that values the exchange of ideas. The attacks on this woman only serve to reinforce her points. Sometimes listening and considering the argument being made and looking for how it is reflected back at you by your community is the best course of action.

Wow, the hardest thing about this is all the reactions! It seems that most of them must be coming from young white college students. Keep it up. Parents, there are only two things that move the needle with administrations on things like this. Donations and declines in enrollment, call the President, call the admissions office and let them know that our donations will now cease, and we will not send our sons to a school like Dickinson.

My question to Miss Fisher would be this. Do you think an article like this changes any minds? And guess what, if you wish things to change you do need buy in from white men. Get specific, point by point refute idiotic beliefs, etc. Remember this and just focus on making yourself better.

Richard A. I can understand where this came from. I recall similar sentiments from my college days at a premier, mostly white college. My Black colleagues expressed similar sentiments in private. What is lost on many here is that this op-ed piece is an expression of frustration. I may be a white, anglo saxon protestant male, the largely castigated group to which you refer, but I have a different take. My son is Black mixed background, but by many standards part Black often simply gets referred to as Black.

He and I have an exceptional relationship as do I and his dark complected mother. Because of those life choices I am quite sensitive to such debates. What I see is the problem to which you refer is one that I often railed against. My college mentor and esteemed intellectual, Dr. John T. McCartney author of Black Power Ideologies , taught me the value in reading all possible original sources for facts.

Then intellectually examining those facts through various lenses to create original intellectual discourse. You can change exactly what you rail against only through committed honest intellectual inquiry.

It is worth it. You have every right to say everything you said, after all this is America. Im amused more than anything. I absolutely hope the school expels you for your idiotic racist attack. This is nothing but racism. Because you have a special privilege that allows you to think this is ok and the school will prove that this privilege exists with their lack of action. I want people to be disallowed to talk based on their skincolor and gender.

Very enlightening conversation, mostly well thought out, respectful and articulate replies by many. Since you decided to use a fabricated definition of racism in responding to Yahoo Lifestyle, I will leave you with the Merriam-Webster definition.

Definition of racism 1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. Not only do you have the right to say whatever you want to say, but white boys are incredibly annoying so way to put them on blast. Which brings me to…. Congratulations on your insightful and well-written piece, Leda. Although I am a white male myself, I have repeatedly witnessed the same behaviors you describe.

White males should not only recognize their privilege but resolve to listen more. Perhaps, as you say, they might actually learn something instead of just seeking their own intellectual validation. I hope she writes more. This is about the institutions of white privilege programming the dominant culture to be its vehicles, sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly.

Racism is composed of racial prejudice interpersonally and institutional bias against racial minorities. Fisher, more. Rather than attack Ms. Fisher and others like her who are trying to express their exasperation, take a breath, hear them out, and try to understand their viewpoint. Starting a flame war solves nothing. It just leaves the divide between us that much greater. A fellow Alum from Dickinson that I do business with on occasion just canceled a large donation to the school. Sadly more of this is to come.

Only fighting racism one-way is a one-way ticket to not being a credible University. If you kick her out there will be some backlash, but in the end you will be supported for standing up for people of all race and gender. As is, this piece is incredibly sexist and discriminatory, doing exactly what the author derails others in her piece for doing. However when I entered the work force in the fall I found out quickly how much I did not know.

When Leda graduates this spring she will experience the same the same thing I did and realize how foolish some of the things she did were as an undergraduate.

I want to thank Leda for her honesty and courage to speak out about the world that is a reality to her and many others. With age comes more acceptance of differences and makes you focus on the really important things in life including the belief that we are all children of God and we all have equal value in His eyes and those are the only eyes that matter.

I hope and pray that we all can grow to understand that our rights and experiences end at the tip of our nose so please take time to reflect on how others lives and experiences are different but equal in value.

This perfectly describes liberals like the author who wrote it. They are the people living in bubbles in which all they hear is leftist indoctrination.

So the blck Virginia Lt Governor gets to keep his job even though two women have accused him of rape. Go, Leda, go!! They think they own the place and have no interest in hearing any differently. Yes, they know more than the rest of us about everything. Is it ALL white men? No, of course not.

But it is a pervasive quality of our culture that privileges white straight cis-gender US-born Christian men over everyone else? You betcha. What else explains the completely incompetent, narcissistic, corrupt white male getting elected over so many others who were so much more qualified?

There are more of us with you than against you. I am not surprised that certain individuals are still clinging to the maligned definition of racism as presented in the film Dear White People, as some type of semantic justification for their own racist belief systems. I have never seen a single actual academic department endorse a particular definition of racism, especially one that exists to embolden the racist reprisals of embittered individuals.

Your article was focusing on the wrong topics. Whatever happened to Dr. I find the piece rather refreshing, because of the double standards that the responses to it show. Listen up folks…we live in a country where some people are ecstatic that the current president says whats on his mind.

They are foaming at the mouth when he talks and makes sweeping generalizations about others. A majority of the people that are pissed are those that foam at the mouth when 45 spews his crap.

If you can not take the heat get out of the kitchen folks. Simple enough to do one would think. Grow up snowflakes!! And yes am white. Kudos young lady.

You people will always turn the tables and point the finger. Why not own up to the history of this country and where your ideas come from? Screw everyone else! This is your attitude and has been for hundreds of years. I am a 56 year old white woman who grew up in Ohio, and I consider myself progressive. Kudos to Leda for having the courage to speak her mind. I will answer her question as well. Should white boys still be allowed to talk? Yes, it DOES still exist, contrary to what those who choose to bury their heads in the sand want to believe.

The fact that this article makes so many feel defensive proves that their perceived superiority is threatened. No worries, white folks, nobody is stealing your power and privilege. Those who have had to fight for equal rights will continue to face challenges in every setting, will continue to have their motives questioned, will continue to be attacked for expressing their beliefs and ideas.

This quote says it all. I am not racist because our newly revised definition of racism — which is defined as a prejudice against someone of another race — is now just prejudice against a minority. Therefore, no one can be racist against white people.

This newly invented definition is racist. It is a real disease. This is a very good example of racism. Who r u to tell people who can and cant talk. If someone had wrote this about an African american, LGBTQ, or any other minority this would have been taken down by now.

I have nothing but support and love for these groups. My brothers are of African american descent and my cousin is gay. My son is half Hispanic. Even though I am white, I have a multi-racial family. Thank god for freedom of speech. So u r allowed to write what u think and I have the right to tell you that you your racist and your opinion and hatred can now be compared to a white supremacist.

Congratulations from the sounds of it you have become what you hate. I think she needs to save herself and her parents?

I totally agree with everything stated in this article and it is NOT racist. I am a white female and so many white males drive me nuts with the same BS outlined in this article.

Very few are cognizant of the truth and fewer are willing to admit it and change themselves. Kudos to this author for speaking out. It just saddens me more than anything that white people are not standing up to this crap every chance they get.

I always try and have lost jobs as a result, but it is worth it. White people, as a whole, sicken me…including so many of those commenting on this article. Ignorant, hateful, despicable fools. I am most likely, exactly the person to who this author is referring. Although certainly not raised in financial privilege; I have never known the pain and humiliation of racism, prejudice, or sexism. That said, I am still one of those guys that are absolutely convinced that my view of the world, and my opinions on topics are more correct than most.

That my superpower is being able to tell good from bad, right from wrong, without exception or equivocation. I can prove it to you; I believe that right now. I do believe that the author paints with an awfully broad brush, but also believe it has nothing to do with hate, fear or prejudice.

I can imagine what it must be like sitting in a classroom full of Brads and Seans. On one hand looking for the cheap laugh, because they are sure they have the right answer; I was that guy. Most of these comments on this article are asinine at best. School newspapers and college campuses are exactly the forum for this kind of dialogue.

So to the parents of Brad and Sean, get a doughnut pillow to sit on for a few days, it tends to relive the symptoms butt-hurt, and move your damned Subaru, this area is for the dropping off or picking up of students only. I am not a Dickinson student or alum, however, I am in an EEO related field with ample years of experience in training, teaching, and workforce development. What she defined is discrimination, not racism; a very common mistake for those that do not understand the difference or have been in the direct position to examine it.

Discrimination is: The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. Yes, racism leads to discrimination, but it does not work vice-versa.

Ms Fisher has all the rights to think that she may be excluded, but I truly think the way she expressed it through this paper is unproductive. Skinny boi. When a little boy names nick drinks too much water.

Natalie slaped the shit out of nick for being a skinny boi. A person who is very skinny. They are commonly referred to as sticks. A skinny boi often is a nerd. Skinny bois usually have rumors about them. Skinny bois are generally compatible with Mias.

That boi so weird he must be a skinny boi Skinny boi is dating Mia right. The small spare tire in the trunk of your car. Yo, I gots a flat , good thing I gots the skinny boy in the back.


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