Why gypsy is a slur
Negative stereotypes have plagued Roma for centuries. By the end of the 19 th century, European societies associated Roma communities with criminality, thievery, and general untrustworthiness. On the night of August 2, , the remaining 4, Romani men, women, and children at Auschwitz-Birkenau were sent to the gas chambers. A group of Roma ca. Ten days later, the local government in Rome leveled a Roma encampment that was home to people. A majority of European Roma — 80 percent — live at risk of poverty.
Children are often segregated in special education classes and schools, with many leaving school before they are even able to complete their secondary education. They are discriminated against in the job market and are left with little option other than to live in encampments on the outskirts of cities and towns without access to running water or sanitation services. An acronym standing for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and those who identify as queer or are questioning their sexual identity.
A litigant is a person who is involved in a civil legal case, either because they are making a formal complaint about someone, or because a complaint is being made about them. Discrimination against one person on the basis of more than one aspect e. A political, social, and economic system characterized by promoting the interests of a particular nation, particularly with the aim of gaining and maintaining self-governance, or full sovereignty, over the group's homeland.
Natural rights are those that are not dependent on the laws or customs of any particular culture or government, and so are universal and inalienable. A right not to be subjected to an action of another person or group; negative rights permit or oblige inaction. Non-governmental organisation.
They are usually non-profit organizations independent of governments and international governmental organizations that are active in humanitarian, educational, healthcare, public policy, social, human rights, environmental, and other areas to effect changes according to their objectives.
An official appointed to investigate individuals' complaints against a company or organization, especially a public authority. View or treat a person or group of people as intrinsically different from and alien to oneself. Hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs; oppression. The practice carried out by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual's race, ethnicity, religion or national origin.
A right to be subjected to an action or another person or group; positive rights permit or oblige action. A principle or rule established in a previous legal case that is either binding or persuasive for a court or other tribunal when deciding subsequent cases with similar issues or facts.
The institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge. Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. This can be either on an individual level or through systems, institutions and societal structures. The action of signing or giving formal consent to a treaty, contract, or agreement, making it officially valid.
A person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. Also known as judicial relief or a judicial remedy. It is the means with which a court of law, usually in the exercise of civil law jurisdiction, enforces a right, imposes a penalty, or makes another court order to impose its will.
Largest ethnic minority in Europe. Romani people originated in India and migrated to Europe in waves hundreds of years ago. The expression of one's feelings, thoughts, or ideas, especially in writing, art, music, or dance.
A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. A method that can bring about significant changes in the law, practice or public awareness via taking carefully-selected cases to court.
The clients involved in strategic litigation have been victims of human rights abuses that are suffered by many other people. A procedure to allow a non-party, called intervenor to join ongoing litigation, either as a matter of right or at the discretion of the court, without the permission of the original litigants. We made a list of some of these words with their definitions. Activism Efforts to promote, impede, or direct social, political, economic, or environmental reforms with the desire to make improvements in society.
Adjournment Putting off or postponing the proceedings; ending or dismissing any further business by a court, legislature, or public official—either temporarily or permanently.
Admissibility Any allowable testimonial, documentary, or tangible evidence that may be introduced to a judge or jury. Advocacy Activities which aim to influence decisions within political, economic, and social systems and institutions. Advocacy Research Research that is carried out with the intention of providing evidence and arguments that can be used to support a particular cause or position. Affirmative action Action favouring those who tend to suffer from discrimination; positive discrimination.
Agency The capacity of individuals to express their own needs, feelings, opinions as well as to make their own choices Actio Popularis A lawsuit brought by a third party on behalf of many people in the interest of the public as a whole. Campaigning An organized course of action against the violation of human rights Case Law The law as established by the outcome of former cases. Cause of action A set of facts sufficient to justify a right to sue; the cause or reason why a party can make a legal case under the law.
Civil and Political Rights The class of rights that protect individuals' freedom from infringement by governments, social organizations, and private individuals.
Civil Society The community of non-governmental organisations, individuals and institutions which manifest the common interest and will of citizens. Claimant The party who initiates a lawsuit before a court.
Coercive sterilisation Carrying out surgical or other procedures which result in a person being unable to have children without them giving informed consent. Community organising The coordination of cooperative efforts and campaigning carried out by local residents to promote the interests of their community. Constitution A body of fundamental principles to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed. Defamation The action of damaging the good reputation of someone; slander or libel.
Disaggregated data Information that has been compiled into summaries of data and then broken down in component parts or smaller units of data e. Discrimination on the basis of racial or ethnic origin in education, employment, health and housing as well as other areas is already prohibited by EU law, but the European Commission specifically addressed Roma inclusion by adopting a European Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies NRIS in The Framework urges Member States to develop and implement an integrated and sustainable approach to Roma inclusion and specifically focusses on four key areas: education, employment, healthcare and housing.
Every Member State, except Malta, has drawn up either a National Strategy for Roma Integration or a set of measures concerning the integration of their Roma populations. The European Commission publishes annual reports assessing the implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies. Join us. Text size Member area Contact. Frequently asked questions Who are the Roma?