What is the significance of toxic granulation
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Original Investigation. John A. Heit, MD; David N. Mohr, MD; Marc D. Silverstein, MD; Tanya M. Petterson, MS; W. Access through your institution. Add or change institution.
The nucleus in degranulated cells may often be round-bilobed, smooth and pyknotic. This type of nucleus is the result of aging and will disintegrate soon.
Increased basophilia of azurophilic granules simulating toxic granules may occur in normal cells with prolonged staining time or decreased pH of the stain. Toxic Granulation. CMV IgG. Colon cancer. Complete blood count CBC. Complete Polysomnography Sleep Study. Complete profile. Copper plasma. Coronary Heart Disease. Creatinine and eGFR. Creatinine Urine. Cystine Crystals. D D-dimers. D2 Dermatophagoides farinae. Density routine urine test. Direct Bilirubin. Direct Coombs. E ECG. Egg White. Egg Yolk.
Eggs and Parasites 1st, 2nd or 3rd specimen. Electroencephalogram EEG. Erythrocytes routine urine test. Factor VIII. Fat Bodies routine urine test. Fecal Calprotectin. Fecal Immunochemical Test.
Femoral-Patellar Syndrome. Flu influenza. Folic acid and erythrocyte folates. Free Kappa and Lambda. Free T3. Free T4. Free Testosterone. G G6PD Quantitative. Gamma globulins. Glucose routine urine test. Granular Casts. Grass Mix 1. Growth Hormone. Gynecological Cytology. H Hallux valgus. HDL Cholesterol. Heel spur. Helicobacter pylori Breath Test. Helicobacter pylori Serology. Hemochromatosis Genotype. Hemoglobin Electrophoresis. Hepatitis B. Hepatitis C IgG. Herniated disc. Hiatal hernia.
HLA B Hot zone. Howell-Jolly Body. HS Troponin T. Hyaline Casts. I Icterus. IGF 1. Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome. Immunity and herd immunity. Inhibin B. Insomnia acute or chronic. Ionized Calcium. Iron profile. Irritable bowel syndrome. K Karyotype. Ketones routine urine test.