What if there is no rajju porutham

Rajju dosham can be ignored if overall horoscope matching is strong and there are no major dosha. Hello sir i am in love with a girl ,but our stars is having rajju problem and how to overcome this. M y A strology S igns. Hi I'm in love with my bf and this is not a first marriage for us.

Navneet Khanna. Blessings, Navneet Khanna Astrologer. Those may interest you: Sir, me and my girlfriend are in love. There is an nadi dosha and rajju dosha. Siro rajju dosham. None of us really know tomorrow so just be happy that you have a strong and loving relationship with your partner. Try to live one day at a time.. Our Karma is formed by our actions and nothing else. Sometimes Pandora's box is best left unopened. Best of luck in your marriage and life.

Thank you for your advice, Renuka. I have a question for you. How does your partner feel about the horoscope match? Is she Ok with it or is she also some sort of concerned about it? No, he doesn't believe in it and he is strongly believe in God and only GOD. Even i am not have strong belief in it. I want to take my life as it goes with blessings of GOD.

Last edited: Mar 28, Ramanathan New member. Anbe sivam. Love is god and god is love. Arranged marriage After jadagaporuttam results in lots of failure and hence there is no guarantee that all marriages conducted after jadagaporuttham results in success. Manaporuttham is most important than any thing else. So dont worry yaar.. You have a nice loving partner that too who has a firm faith in God and its a Love Marriage that has that extra Thrrrrilll and Kickku..

Best of Luck dude!!! BTW i have corrected the typing error in your post in my reply here.. Actually I am a girl and my lover is a boy. I thought you were a guy!!! Sorry dear. I am not looking back. Actually my parents didn't accept it full heartedly as it is an inter-caste marriage. We have been very strong, so now they dont have choice other than accepting it. But some of my relatives hurting me with this astrology mismatch saying often that we wont be good after marriage.

If there is some parigaram for this mismatch, we would do that and start our life happily and peacefully. Do u know when the parents are stubborn that you should select what they have selected and when problems arise which has no solution, all they can say is it is your fate what can be done, so either way you are in trouble and if u think only on the negative side Ok now your story is getting even better dear.. Like some Megaaaaaaaa serial.

Be strong ok.. You know dear.. Similar threads. They are foot, thigh, middle [torso], neck and head rajju porutham details of which are given below.. Different rajju mismatches are supposed to bring in different effects in the married life.

Each of the rajjus such as foot rajju, thigh rajju, middle rajju, neck rajju and head rajju will have a certain effect on the married life of the couple. Paatha Rajju: Paatha Rajju represents the foot part of the body. If the boy's and the girl's nakshatra belong to this group and the marriage happens, it is predicted by authors of the science that there is a chance of getting hurt, physical or material, during travel. Thodai Rajju: Thodai Rajju represents the thighs part of the body or the lap.

A wedding involving a boy and girl of any of the stars in the group could result in damages to properties in the course of their married life. Uthara Rajju: Uthara Rajju is represented by the torso. When a marriage goes ahead without paying attention to uthara rajju, it could result in problems to their children. Kanda Rajju: Kanda means neck and kanda rajju represents the neck region of the body. The kanda rajju mismatch forbodes possible harm to the life and well-being of the wife, if a marriage is conducted ignoring this.

Sirasu Rajju: Sirasu represents the head. The group of nakshatras that are part of this Sirasu Rajju are Mirugasirisa, Avittam, and Chitthirai. These three stars do not match each other and in marriages conducted with the stars of the same rajju are not compatible.


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