What happens if frontline gets wet
Many flea medicines are available for pet owners, such as spot-on, oral medication, and topical ointment. When using such treatment, it is vital to keep the pets dry until the flea medicine itself dries up, too.
Flea medicines like Frontline and Advantage usually take around 30 to 45 minutes to dry upon application. Speak to your veterinarian about this first if your flea medicine is not working.
One Frontline alternative is to switch to another topical product. A once monthly application is recommended where chewing lice control is needed. Avoid contact with treated area until dry. I have a dog and have tried different flea treatments--finally resorted to strong oral medication. Yet, I still found fleas on him. The vet told me that it is not uncommon to find live fleas after treatment--it means that the whole house and yard may be infested and need to be treated,.
Nannygoat posted what I was going to post. Frontline kills the fleas that get on your pet. It does not repel fleas. You need to treat the yard. Frontline is absorbed into the coat and circulated in the bloodstream. The fleas bites the cat and gets a dose of flea poison. You cannot wash it off after it has soaked in.
It will keep killing any fleas for 30 days. If you take the cat outside, you will see more fleas on the cat where new ones from the yard jump on the cat. I would treat the yard and keep the cat inside for a week or so. Fleas are carried to your yard by squirrels, possums, raccoons, ect.
You can get a flea comb at the pet store and use that to pull fleas out of the coat. I understand all that's been posted; thank you. I have a couple of flea combs and I understand now about Frontline being absorbed. I understand that it doesn't repel fleas but kills them. I have woods all around my house so I know that there are fleas there.
This is the first time ever that I've found any in the house. As far as my using Dawn this one time , I read on a vet page on the internet to do that and I KNOW that just because it's on the internet doesn't mean it's true I am also now treating the house. Dawn is used on animals that were involved in an oil spill its the last resort to save the animial.
Highly unlikely a one time bath in it will cause lasting problems but with the surfactant system in Dawn it will also strip all natural body oils which could cause skin issues if its used as a normal routine bath. The reason Dawn will kill fleas and a normal non flea shampoo won't is do to Dawns surfactants removing the protective water proof covering over the flea allowing water to than enter the fleas lungs.
If your using a good flea treatment yet doggie still has fleas do as mentioned above treat the home Excuse me! I said bloodstream, I should of said oil glands. It IS absorbed and cannot be washed off. That is why it is such a problem when you use dog frontline on a cat. It then works continuously for 1 month as it is released from the hair follicles onto the skin and coat.
I regret that my post caused such strife. In the meantime, my pets are now all flea free. The liquid is absorbed through the skin and distributed around the body. Do not touch the area where you applied Frontline. Then, simply remember to wait for 24 hours after using Frontline Plus before letting your pet get wet!
It is important to note that, although your pet can be bathed after the 24 hour waiting period is up, the flea and tick control action Frontline Plus can be affected by using the wrong shampoo. When can I bathe my dog after applying Advantage? Common signs of toxicity from flea products containing organophosphates are diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, small pupils, muscle tremor, weakness or falling over, and drooling.
A: Some dog products, mainly Permethrins, are toxic to cats. If this is caught quickly, within a few minutes of application and the cat is not showing any symptoms, you can bathe the entire cat in liquid dish soap up to three times back to back to remove the product and then call your veterinarian for further assistance. If the cat is showing symptoms such as tremoring or seizing, the cat should be immediately transferred to a veterinary facility for treatment.
When faced with a potential toxicity situation, it is important to remember that there is help available. Each flea product should have an emergency number on the package to call. While serious adverse reactions to a product are rare, they can occur to any dog or cat. Before applying a flea product to your pet, consult with your veterinarian about potential side effects, dosing instructions and the best type of flea treatment right for you and your pet.
You can also contact the company who makes the product for additional information. We hope you and your pet have a safe, flea-free year! Q: I accidentally applied a dog flea product to my cat, what should I do? This website uses cookies. We use cookies for our legitimate interests of providing you with personalized content, enabling you to more easily use our website, evaluating use of our website, and assisting with ad reporting functions.
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