Unity which version of mono
I know Unity should be able to run a. However, I apparently have jit compier 2. How to fix? Here you go with thanks to the helpful Stack Overflow user who answer my similar question over there :. For Unity 4. Also ran against Version Is this current? I need to know when googling on stack overflow, which version of C answers to actually read. Attachments: Up to 2 attachments including images can be used with a maximum of To help users navigate the site we have posted a site navigation guide.
Make sure to check out our Knowledge Base for commonly asked Unity questions. Answers Answers and Comments. Which version of mono used in Unity 3. What version of Mono does Unity 5 use? Login Create account. This site uses strictly necessary cookies. Unity supports many platforms and might use different scripting backends depending on the platform.
NET system libraries require platform-specific implementations to work correctly in some cases. While Unity tries its best to support as much of the.
NET ecosystem as possible, there are some exceptions to parts of the. NET system libraries that Unity explicitly does not support. Unity makes no performance nor allocation guarantees of the.
NET system libraries across Unity versions. As a general rule of thumb, Unity does not fix any performance regressions in the. NET system libraries. Unity does not support the System. Drawing library and it is not guaranteed to work on all platforms. This is important to consider when you use third-party libraries, because they might have different code paths for JIT and AOT, or they might use code paths that rely on dynamically generated code. Although Unity supports multiple.
NET Standard 2. Other profiles can be useful if, for example, you need to provide support for an older existing application. If you want a different API compatibility level, change the. You should only use third-party. NET libraries that have been extensively tested on a wide range of Unity configurations and platforms. AOT generally reduces startup times and is suited to larger applications for this reason but increases the binary file size to accommodate the compiled code.
AOT also takes longer to build during development and cannot change the behavior of the compiled code to target any one specific platform. As such, you should profile your application in both the Editor, and on your target platform. For more information, see the Unity Profiler A window that helps you to optimize your game. It shows how much time is spent in the various areas of your game. For example, it can report the percentage of time spent rendering , animating, or in your game logic.
More info See in Glossary documentation. You should profile the usage of your. NET system libraries on all target platforms because their performance characteristics might vary depending on the scripting backends,. NonPublic BindingFlags. Static ; if dispalayName! Log dispalayName. Your answer. Hint: You can notify a user about this post by typing username. Welcome to Unity Answers The best place to ask and answer questions about development with Unity.
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