How is emilia characterized

Toggle navigation. Basket 0. English Literature Study Guides Advanced. English Literature Advanced Companion. These relationships are driven by different motivations and give each individual something unique. Each character contributes disparate factors to their relationships and change from scenario to scenario. The presentation of different relationships in Othello represents many of the underlying motifs of the play. In Shakespeare's Othello, the villainous Iago is the cause of all the tragedy and misunderstanding in the play.

He carries out an elaborate plan to get what he wants, which is the position of being lieutenant, by deceiving and tricking everyone around him. It seems Iago is either an amazing actor and very talented at perfectly carrying out detailed plans, or has an advantage for himself.

He is able to completely change people's true beliefs and to listen to him. It is entirely possible that Iago. Title - Othello 2. Author - William Shakespeare 3. Date of Original Publication - 4.

Point of View - Iago 2. Relationship to meaning: The reader sees things the way that Iago sees them. The reader sees how Iago manipulates so many of the characters, like Roderigo and Montano. While Othello is seen as a love story between Desdemona and Othello, readers fail to realize the significance of Emilias connection to Desdemona throughout the play. She follows Iago in wifely duty, but during the play develops a strong loyalty to Desdemona and, at the end, denounces Iago's lies to defend Desdemona's reputation.

She speaks disparagingly of men, but, until the last scene, she supports her husband when needed. When finally she sees the truth, Emilia abandons all loyalty to Iago and verbally attacks him for the villain he is. They see, and smell, And have their palates both for sweet and sour, As husbands have.

What is it that they do When they change us for others? Is it sport? I think it is. And doth affection breed it? I think it doth. It is so too.

And have not we affections, Desires for sport, and frailty, as men have? Then let them use us well. Else let them know, The ills we do, their ills instruct us so. Emilia encourages Desdemona to regard herself as Emilia does: as an individual worthy of love, life, and respect.


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