Can i use silverlight with mvc

Where one selection drives the next portion of the layout, etc. Now you may at this point be asking a few questions about some of my decisions here within Silverlight. First, the use of DataContractJsonSerializer. Where is it? Add a reference to System. Why not use System. You could absolutely. In doing so you could use your LINQ skills and get the data out of the Json stream and put it into a new object.

This is the first reason I like just using the serializer. The second reason is size. Using the DataContractSerializer method here, my app is about 7K. Adding a reference to System. Json and using those methods, my app is 27K. But you can…absolutely. Where is Category defined? Mike Parsons Sorry to single you out but your Silverlight rendering test is just plain wrong. You mentioned that your Silverlight example uses virtualization, but looking at your xap this just doesn't seem to be the case - you certainly haven't set the following in the List control.

I can't imagine why you'd do this in a real LOB App - you'd most likely leverage the power of Silvelight and it's databinding support. I'd say a truer representation of performace would be given by replacing your MainPage. Generic; using System. ComponentModel; using System. Now; ViewModel. ReloadControls ; ViewModel. Subtract startTime. Note I'm using the MVVM approach, you should really look into this if you're serious about writing Silverlight applications, or at least writing these comparison tests.

The times in you're original app are what I get if I set the NumberOfControls variable to 2,, records. I'd be most interested to see how your HTML page performs with that many records, if it is even functional. May 10, HTML,CSS and javascript have been around for years, but I think many programmers still struggle with compatibility issues and layout differences in different browsers.

I've been developing several large intranet web applications using jquery, jqgrid, jquery-ui and jquery-ui css framework. Although they have taken much pain away, still HTML, CSS and javascript's different behaviour in different browser keeps productivity at a lower level as it should be, if you're implementing anything more complicated than a simple data entry form. I have some non trivial silverlight components inside my web application as well, and seldom had any issues with them when going from one version of silverlight to the next.

May 24, Probably one of the most interesting posts on the Web I've read in a while. Because, I know a sentence shouldn't start with becasue, but the topic is right area of developing I work with. I've read about the post and opinions and wanted to bring up the that with IE 9.

Actually a simple RegExp handles the job for direct serialized translation and completely seamless to end user. Through the process I've noticed that as I learn Xaml. At the site a 6K script takes care of all features. I apply about 20 Xml files for now but I'm looking at replacement content in the range of 2, files, which is still minimal compared to what would be a requirement of the databased content.

The idea includes a sales strategy, Web business development of any size, can also be pushed towards WPF. File rewrites are near zero, based on the script and the idea of moving content to client. Would really love the feedback especially from such as interesting blog. I was surprised to see no mention of server-side JavaScript here, although perhaps that is implicit in the conversation.

It seems to me, that, at this moment in the fuzzily-unfolding matrix of the future of the guts of the web, we are "under the shadow of the cloud," to sound a bit Jeramiah-ish about it: what's on the client, what's on the server: "Who's on first," says Abbot for starters: of course, Costello has the last It seems ominously serendipitous that I read this article using IE9 release, on a fresh install of Win 7 bit, and when I went to the web-site PageProgramming.

Indeed, only the fragment reading "The Large Scr" from the title of that home page is visible. I resist the temptation to fill in the missing characters following "Scr" with Hint: same-same in "compatibility mode.

You are running on a browser that may not be fully compatible with Microsoft Silverlight. You can still try to install by clicking below or you can refer to the System Requirements for more information. Maybe that's a jejeune argument: "mere mortals" probably just get home and plug their new system, bought pre-configured, in, and it works?

I write this neither as a critique of 'Simply Peter's' site, or Win 7 bit, or any of MS's technologies, including the tools I use now. NET, C. And I will resist the temptation to make my last word here, like Abbot's: a scream.

Can we take small comfort in the fact that Abbot's opening line tells Costello that his job as coach with the Yankees is valid as long as Costello stays on the team? Bill Woodruff. May 25, Bill - Honestly there's no reason to be running a bit version of IE. There's no bit plugins, so little will work as you'd expect. May 27, Scott, Thank you for coming to my rescue. However I'd like to mention IE 9. For some reason 32 bit added installation is somewhat not obvious but the 32 bit version is installed, as well.

I'd also like to include, if people should continue to follow the blog, where I fall short in programming capabilities, with 33 years retail experience I am use to the idea of retail presentations, , , products, and SL falls into the catagory of the type of tools required when considering the presentation of such a huge mix of product lines.

I was also confused when Microsoft turned around and pushed IE 9. On the other hand, I think what Microsoft expected with the integration of Silverlight was that other industry leaders and open source would bounce back, such as with SVG for example, now applied with MVC, but they did not.

Doesn't help with the confusion but there are industry markers at Microsoft supporting a Web which might, in 50 years or so, be the next retail and, requiring product presentation methodology, such as the quality of presentation provided through Silverlight. If I were helpful in decision making I would suggest in market development: One instance of a Silverlight product, transparent background, is an object or tool within a Web page presentation.

Many instances of Silverlight product objects, builds an environment. So, who needs to apply Silverlight product objects and similar technologies ready for presentation? For example: All of us have seen wire product applications such as baskets in kitchen cupboards or shelves for closet space. A partial line-up of products available would take 60 x foot shelf space in retail but even partial, the product is bulky and the majority may not warrant dollar per square foot sales at the store level but this limit does not exist with product presentation through the Web.

Similarly, we only see a fraction of available kitchen cupboard door knobs and handles. Truly a huge market.

In any case, in business developing and product presentation, we should do well in pushing presentation at the manufacture and supplier level and Microsoft comes out with Azure database, a perfect tool for manufacturers and suppliers to push the distribution of product presentation content. Xaml objects, once presented, can, with a right click, also link back to a reseller sight or search engine or what ever services the channel provides.

I tend to think that Microsoft would not want to monopolize the presentation market, it just too big. It would be best if manufactures and channel specialized in a many presentation technologies as possible.

That I'm looking into Xml database method, just has to do with how to move mixed product database files or librairies direct to the client database.

Although not a technology specialist, I hope can be of some help for people looking into market direction. Scott, Sorry, there's an error, amoung spelling errors, the shelf space should read 60 x 10 foot shelf space or more accurately 60 feet wide by 10 feet high, which is still a considerable amount of space for one product line and usually not provided for one product line only in retail.

The product is of course bulky and there are no limits of the kind with a Web presentations. June 22, Good insight. Can you include samples of presentations that call for MS Silverlight and cannot be implemented at all by web standards? How about showing cubes on browsers in an interactive way? AumTech for Virtual Instruments. August 16, Great article, I never read such clear and unbiased article for Microsoft folk. Madhu Rakhal Magar. August 25, September 23, Don't use a plug in that relatively few people have plugged in unless you have no other choice.

When you don't work for Microsoft, the choice is obvious. John Walters. HTML was never intended to create applications. I say everyone just use Silverlight and force html to die. We will all be happier in the end :. It's not so much about what UI technology you take today - whatever you do it's very likely that you will have to change in the next years. UI frameworks come and go. What stays is the right architecture that makes it as easy as possible to swap UIs as needed without having to rewrite everything.

So learn and practice the right architecture and you'll be able to align with whatever UI trends might come in the future.

Robert Seso. At the end of the day common sense wins. Silverlight is great, does a lot of things pretty well - but the companies that have invested in it skillset-wise and otherwise are getting nervous and are beginning to go on hold while looking for alternatives. UI and UX is very important for some products and Silverlight shines in that area if done right. HTML[5] has limitations, standards are iffy - lots to consider, code for and relatively hard to debug.

In our case we are looking for alternatives to Silverlight where the outcome and UX is the same to what we have developed already. Nothing comes close. A visually appealing heavy sexy infographics centric application does require Silverlight framework.

After experimenting with other open standard non-plugin non-OOB technologies Silverlight still comes as a winner. Fortunately or unfortunately our products are not just textbox and data content types.

They are rich and heavy on vector graphics and user interactions I hope Microsoft realizes this and continues to develop, enhance and support this framework for a long time. There is a good market and plenty many use cases for Silverlight. If it takes a class action suit by companies who have made huge investments and massively deployed Silverlight to force Microsoft to stick to it, then that is what its going to take I suppose.

Microsoft shouldn't just flip their strategies just coz they feel like it - it hurts the bottom line for the ones who loyally bought into the story initially. If MS continues on this path then they should be prepared to share their dough with the ones who they screw in the process.

Sorry about my rant here, but this is just how things are being felt in this area. Hopefully Balmer resigns by some miracle and some true and consistant visionary takes the bull by the horns! Not holding my breath though ;. Nasir Aziz. September 24, October 11, I use Silverlight Business Applications at work. It is an integration of rich user interface of desktop applications, where we use the HTML and JavaScript web languages. Silverlight helps in building web applications that contain high-fidelity multimedia content and eye-catching visual effects.

Open Visual Studio This is your mainpage. It is very similar to a default. These are the main default files that exist when you create a new project. Now open your MainPage. For simplicity, I will populate it with a list of numbers, you can also use any of the techniques , supported by RadChart.

The code is as simple as this. They are marked with ScriptableMemberAttribute so that they can be altered by the script and they will influence the chart appearance as per our requirements:. Here is the markup:. Now, we need to create pluginLoaded javascript function in order to obtain a reference to the silverlight object and to initialize the properties, which will define the chart state:. And then add the corresponding javascript functions, which will interact with the Silverlight user control:.

He started here back in as a support officer on the ASP.


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