Bad company 2 where is everyone

Of course, I was wrong. After moving to Akron, little about my life changed. I was keeping busy with school, but I was still drinking way too much and getting high, and I was still playing a ton of video games.

One was a former skater kid who was taking a break from school at the moment, and the other was an aspiring writer like myself who dropped out of pre-law and was trying to figure out what the hell to do with his life. Bryan and Mason had been friends before I met them, and I spent the first few months hanging out with them simply worrying if I was fitting in and why the hell these guys wanted to hang out with a nerd like me in the first place.

But we did have several things in common, namely that we all smoked cigarettes, drank a lot, and loved getting high and playing video games. At the same time, one of my other best friends, Nick, had moved to Columbus with his girlfriend. As down as I was, he was usually there to play Halo 3 with me and excuse my drunken shenanigans, such as pretending to be an annoying little kid on the game chat who had no idea how to play the game.

For some reason, I thought this was hilarious. The scope of competitive gaming has changed a lot in the last decade. But these days it seems like pretty much every multiplayer game needs to be geared towards a more competitive mindset. There are probably many reasons for why multiplayer games have focused more on being competitive rather than creating fun experiences, though the one that sticks out to me is the impact that streamers are having on the industry.

Ninja recently trended on Twitter for scolding players who just want to have fun in a game without having to feel overly competitive. The first time I actively noticed this was when Halo 4 transformed the series from a floaty, slower-paced version of Quake into a fast-paced Call of Duty wannabe. Any time Fortnite tries to add funny new concepts like the Infinity Blade or B. Battlefield fell victim to this trend. But Battlefield 1 , which actually did manage to attract new players against Infinite Warfare in , introduced some of the most Call of Duty—style movement in the series, letting players slide into cover and mantle over walls.

Battlefield V leaned in further by eliminating the speed penalty after a slide, letting players parkour across rooftops, removing active spotting, and making time-to-kill incredibly fast—a quality in console shooters popularized by its biggest competitor. Not one person in my personal Gold Squad—Nick, Bryan, Mason and myself—had a positive kill-death ratio by the end of our Bad Company 2 careers. It was about infiltrating the bases, moving up the map, or simply holding a position against an angry Hind pilot.

Grab a jeep or a four-wheeler, bomb into a point, die, respawn. Take a transport chopper, get shot down over the first sector in Isla Inocentes, die, respawn. We were competitive without even trying. We were just having a good time. This was the golden age of gaming for me, the moment in time against which I measure every other gaming moment.

Skittering across the oil pipes on Port Valdez while the base on the hill loomed in the distance. Nick and I giving Bryan and Mason chopper support while they hit the first island on Inocentes from a boat with a grenade launcher.

The four of us all shooting tracer darts at a chopper until Bryan inevitably got bored and tagged each one of us in the face with it, leaving a blurry red spot in the middle of our screens. I felt like part of something bigger. At some point in , it all fell apart. Players could go prone and hide behind walls that would have previously been too low to cover them.

At least on Xbox , it was much messier, much more competitive experience. Our real-world relationships, too, had their own friction. Then Mason moved to L. Bryan moved to Florida. Nick stopped trying. It was the darkest possible timeline. Okay, why is that? It would be hard to remake something like that. Can we do it? Anyone interested in this achievement? I can double xone Posted by Islaya SG on 08 Dec 20 at I'm down to try and grind this for anyone still interested Posted by SnakiestVirus78 on 14 Apr at Looking to get this if anyone else needs it and looking to boost.

Only need a SquadDM win but its dead. Leave a comment. Sign in and add a guide. ErichRunner 1,, 02 Aug 02 Aug Pretty simple to do. If you're having trouble in one game, just quit out and look for another of the same type. This is much quicker than trying to win with a shitty team against a we-make-you-tube-vids-cuz-were-so-good team. What's ? Ryn0 L , 16 Oct 16 Oct 16 Oct I didn't see anyone mention what I did, so I thought I'd share it.

This solution is kind of luck based, but if you're having a rough time winning a certain game mode, maybe this will be helpful: Play a game and when the round is nearing completion, look and see if the winning team has an open spot. If it does, quit out of the game, go to recent players in the xbox guide, and join the game of someone on that team.

You'll then be on the winning team just in time for the game to end.


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