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Mercury for a Dolphin Super Freighter. If you set a ship as its homebase and let them only sell the EC it will deliver the Split sectors too. I know EC weren't the money source, but it's better than nothing, especially at the beginning.

Funny, I just discovered this about 20 minutes ago. Pumping my split faction required blowing a bunch of them up. If I take out the pirate base in the neighboring sector, will they stay gone. Not sure how to build my rep with them back up. I'm sure there is no requirement for anything except trade softwares for sector trading, but I am also sure you need at least 25MJ of shield for universe trading. The fight command softwares allow the UT to keep a stock of fighter drones doesn't apply to ST , having a jumpdrive and nav soft of course is needed to jump away in an emergency.

As for stations: look for gaps in the market, but be warned that the split sectors are quite large, so anything that needs larger cargo and therefore a slower ship: beware. Also anything that has large numbers of items such as ECells also ends up suffering as your traders take ages to make each trip.

Because of this I find split sectors quite unprofitable compared to Argon and teladi sectors. You could do with power plants in some of the boron sectors which are missing them, and while it may be different for you, my glutinous Terrans seem to have 4 sectors with 4 of each of the food fabs in them, causing a catestrophic surplus and an ecell shortage; maybe you can use that to your advantage? No, they will be back again, probably elsewhere in that sector, after a while don't know how long.

In brief, if you can find some Kha'ak or Xenon in a Pirate sector to kill, that helps a lot - otherwise try missions preferably not combat for Pirates, but beware of racial links between various Pirate clans and corresponding races. Loriel Very useful information, thank you. On a separate note, I came across an abandoned M6 near a pirate base.

I went and bought the Salvage Claim Software from the Teladi after finding it, but I still can't claim it. Any idea why? What was the error message? Basically you need: 1 To have the abandoned ship selected as target 2 To be "close enough" probably about 1 km for claiming an M6 3 To claim it - either through the piracy menu of the ship you are flying, or by hotkey, but not by claim command in target menu.

Try the sector analysis command. It'll tell you the demand shortages for each sector. Does someone know the maximum rank of a sector trader My ST has at the moment rank 20 with major dealer as title.

Loriel Ah. My issue was that there was no claim command in the target menu. Date Posted: 28 Oct, am. Posts: 4. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts.

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