Who should i use tricks of the trade on

That is not to say this skill does not have valid pulling techniques, however rogues lack a strong range ability and you will loose a majority of the extra aggro you are transferring to the tank during the pull.

However if the target is already at the tank or vise versa than this skill becomes extremely viable. Another use for this spell is to pull, active tricks and use fan of knives. That will give the tank a huge aoe aggro bonus.

However this will be extremely risky in raids and heroic where one shotting is very possible. Still very easy to use while combat is already initiated. Good pulling skill for rapid 5 man pulls with the 30 sec CD instead of 2 mins like Misdirect. Comment by supertao Better than Misdirect o. Aggro wont be a problem for Rogues anymore. Comment by ya but hunters can cast it on there pets :. Comment by I think this ability is the outcome of blizzard's "create more tanks" mission.

Comment by iBeastMastery This seems to work like a buffed up version of hunter's misdirection, a very nice addition for rogue's, they finally get a buff! Also, if a Rogue were to use this ability on a hunter, who has put misdirection on the tank, will the tank be getting all the threat? Comment by This is going to lead to really fun fights i.

Warlocks won't have to rely on soulshatter or godly tanks anymore for aggro. And since even shamans now have a move that reduces threat I see this move being extremely useful in the attempt to stave off super-powered level 80 dps :D Thank you blizzard. Comment by wye43 This skill is pure evil: 1.

Pick victim already having decent threat - not a tank 2. Tricks of the trade on him 3. For added evilness - accuse him of not being able to control his threat. You can eliminate competition while shinning in dps. The possibilities I love it. This is the cunning that is to be expected from a rogue, its perfect. Just pray you don't have a combat log maniac in your raid spotting you :. Comment by it depends on your guild. Comment by Don't want to sound whiny here-i'm sure this skill will become a very essential part of the rogue's utilities in the near future, but I find it a bit funny that Hunters' Camoflague was removed for being too 'rogue-like' yet rogues have and are getting skills similar to that of other classes at the same time.

I know it's not just rogues in that respect, but I find blizzard's reasoning very annoying. Comment by Let me get this straight: Every thirty seconds I have to switch targets to use this then switch back?

I mean its a fantastic ability and I don't mean to be a whiny little wuss, but I think the mechanics of it could've been a little smoother. Comment by cooksta Anyone know if this breaks stealth?

Comment by Eldwenor I would also like to point out that this given buff last 30 seconds and the cooldown is as well 30 seconds which means supposing you can't stack the effect you can cast it on a tank and wait 24 seconds before pulling a devastating ambush then, once the effect fades, renew the effect instantly. In addition, there is a talent in the 41 tier of subtely tree which makes it even more efficient by reducing the cooldown to 20seconds.

This really is wonderfull news for a hunter. Hunters, get that out of your head, we are still the ones that need to be using our MD to pull mobs and bosses. This talent should be spammed like crazy towards the MT, The more aggro your tank has the more the hunters and other dps get to stand back and ping away! It will be great to see my aggro meter drop down every 30 seconds, I can now save my feign for those crit benders many of us hunters have seen while going through a rotation.

I can't wait to see the damage meters now that I will be able to go all out. I hope the ranged classes see this as a helpfull ability and the hunters stop crying about rogues taking "our" abilities! It merely has more restrains that the Misdirect ability such as unless you have premeditation to use Deadly throw but then again you must sometime pull with Throw which is as efficient as the good ol' warrior's marksman skills or druid Nevertheless, depending on the pull being close to eachother or density, you can figure out a way to pull with this ability, such as showing a little hello to the mob to aggro them and use Killing spree and blade flurry to transfer aggro into threat directly to tank since the rogue might gets hit in the process he can still use Fan of knife instead which will affect up to 8yards and avoid melee range.

New ability, new wisdom about it. Hunter though have the same difficulty if they want to pull with MD and trap at the same time, but you can place a trap in front of the tank instead of you so while they are going after the tank, one of them gets trapped. There is no limit to one that looks for a way and there is a huge limit to those looking for excuses.

Comment by Why did Camouflage get removed for being too much like Rogues, yet rogues get a spell that is exactly like Misdirect? Kinda unfair. For PvE, I know that me and the other rogues in our raids will be giving this to each other. Comment by This is not a pulling move, since if you try to pull with it, you have proxy aggro on everything, but only transferring hate from one target. The mobs, other than the one you're attacking, will make very short work of you.

Think of it as a way to start dpsing immediately. You don't have to wait for sunders or lacerates or whatever. Just buff the tank with it and run in right behind him on the primary target and unload.

No worries of pulling hate right off the bat. What it does is makes you more efficient, just pop it on the tank before every pull and dps right after he pulls the group. More up time on dps for you and the group. So using it over and over prolly isn't necessary unless you've got a tank that really needs the help with threat production.

I suppose the only really good way to pull with this ability against multiple mobs would be to buff the tank and run in with Killing Spree and blade flurry up. Haha, just get a swipe at all the targets at least once, and the tank should have them all. Very very unsafe, but fun to think about. Comment by pygmy So many things to comment on so little time Maybe this is just my server but I've never seen more than 2 rogues in a 25 man raid and never more than 1 in a 10 man.

Blizz needed to put some things in so rogues would have a chance at some of the end game stuff. I'm not saying anything to Blizz's creativity, but with no obvious buffs, and for the most part single target dps, rogues just got left out of a lot of things. Hunters didn't need camouflage. Rogues needed something, maybe not this, but something.

Comment by im planning to chain tricks on the rogues in my raids, solely for the DPS buff, im hearing some of the rogues in the top guilds on my server will be trying this tactic. Comment by pinch It doesn't break stealth. Comment by This is going to be awesome for getting those stray mobs off of your healer when the tank fails to realize he's lost something while pugging. Comment by Erste Does this skill triggers the global cooldown GC? But if it triggers the GC it can't be done. Anyone knows?

Comment by I will make this combo.. Comment by Is there any way ti program a macro for this Its annoying to select the tank, then ToT. Im wondering if there is a possibility to target the tank, who ever he is In the mean time, in raid, we are usualy focus on Ot target too.

For now, im just retyping macro in each instance i go. I find it very usefull to start hitting really strong at start. On aoe pull, I ambush, then FoK Comment by The cooldown only starts when you actually attack. An alternative version of this wiki is now operational and ready for use. WoWWiki Explore. WoW info. Gathering Production Secondary. Allied races. Useful macros What are addons? More WoW info. Events Ongoing Seasonal Micro-holidays World.

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It uploads the collected data to Wowhead in order to keep the database up-to-date! Tricks of the Trade.

Cannot be used while shapeshifted Does not break stealth Generates no threat Can only target the player.


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