Who is sickipediabot

Funny as hell from start to finish. The jokes contained within these pages are sick, rude, politically incorrect, offensive, obscene and in some cases Just Wrong, but the end results are Funny and Hilarious.

All of the jokes are submitted by the general public to Sickipedia. Every time there is a big story - say a murder or a disaster, following the news comes the jokes.

Psychologists probably have something to say about this, but not us, we just want to be the number one place for finding, recording and disseminating this material. It is definitely NOT suitable for children or the easily offended.

Within these pages are jokes about religion, racism, crime and illegal sex acts. Specificatii Caracteristici generale Nationalitate autor Strain. Dimensiuni Numar pagini Dimensiune mm x Greutate g. Review-uri Fii primul care scrie un review Spune-ti parerea acordand o nota produsului.

Recent adaugate la Favorite. Carte "Totul despre croitorie", editie Burda Style , in limba romana. Oceanul disparut. Carte de colorat si activitati antistres, Johanna Basford. Pasari fantastice - Carte de colorat pentru adulti. Arta simplitatii - Dominique Loreau. PRP: 39 90 Lei 33 92 Lei. PRP: 59 90 Lei 39 90 Lei.

Super Pret. Sucul de telina - Anthony William. Intrebarile si raspunsurile clientilor Ai nelamuriri? Pune o intrebare si poti primi raspuns de la comunitate. Take your time to read those puns and riddles where you ask a question with answers, or where the setup is the punchline. We hope you will find these sickipedia potholder puns funny enough to tell and make people laugh. A man is working as a taxi driver He just started his job He went and picked someone up about halfway through the journey the man taps him on the shoulder At this point The taxi driver freaks swerves nearly misses a bus and two cars and crashes into a building.

The passenger says "Sorry I didnt know a small tap could scare you that much" The taxi driver replies "No sorry it's my fault I used to work as a hearse driver". For her lipstick :D modified joke originally from Sickipedia. My girlfriend showed me the positive pregnancy test with an apprehensive look in her eyes.

Just think that there are jokes based on truth that can bring down governments, or jokes which make girl laugh. Many of the sickipedia influenza jokes and puns are jokes supposed to be funny, but some can be offensive. When jokes go too far, are mean or racist, we try to silence them and it will be great if you give us feedback every time when a joke become bullying and inappropriate.

We suggest to use only working sickipedia twitter piadas for adults and blagues for friends.


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